faith healing


faith healing 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. healing effected through prayer or religious faith; divine healing.
  2. a method employing faith or prayer in the hope of receiving such healing.

faith healing 近义词

faith healing

等同于 alternative medicine

faith healing

等同于 laying on of hands

faith healing 的近义词 2

更多faith healing例句

  1. People of Praise grew out of the charismatic Christian movement of the early 1970s, which adopted practices described in the New Testament of the Bible, including speaking in tongues, the use of prophecy and faith healing.
  2. A Catholic charismatic community in India that I researched practiced exorcism as well as faith healing.
  3. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so.
  4. He hits bottom at Rocamadour, a sanctuary in the Dordogne known as a citadel of faith devoted to Mary.
  5. The comedian responded to the deadly attack on a French satirical magazine by renewing his recent criticisms of the Islamic faith.
  6. After the screening, Jolie, who says she renewed her faith in “the divine” during filming, met briefly with the pope.
  7. An atheist counsels his fellow non-believers on how not to talk to people of faith.
  8. There are three things a wise man will not trust: the wind, the sunshine of an April day, and woman's plighted faith.
  9. Each religion claims that its own Bible is the direct revelation of God, and is the only true Bible teaching the only true faith.
  10. The old Chippewa has never deviated from the faith of his fathers, as he still adheres to all their rites and ceremonies.
  11. I opposed this, fearing, of course, that the French and even the Gentiles might interpret this as an affront to our faith.
  12. They have a living faith in the potency of the Horse-Guards, and in the maxim that "Safe bind is sure find."